U Bar是一个虚拟健康技术站,旨在帮助患者管理他们的健康, wellness, 通过在移动设备上下载与健康相关的应用程序来实现健身目标. 如果您有任何问题,请联系U Bar团队 [email protected].

Suggested Apps

Diabetes Management


无论你想要变得健康,MyFitnessPal卡路里计数器和饮食追踪器都是有用的, lose weight, tone up, change your habits, or start a new diet.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Glucose Buddy app icon

Glucose Buddy
无论你想要变得健康,MyFitnessPal卡路里计数器和饮食追踪器都是有用的, lose weight, tone up, change your habits, or start a new diet.
Download from: App Store | Google Play 



Map My Fitness by Under Armour app icon

Map My Fitness (by Under Armour)
GPS Workout Tracker. 获得由安德玛训练团队编写的个性化锻炼程序.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


iPrescribe app icon

Download from: App Store | Google Play


Sworkit app icon

Sworkit Lite
Sworkit Lite为所有年龄和健康水平的人提供锻炼计划. No more gym, weights, or excuses.
Download from: App Store | Google Play



Inscape Meditation app icon

Inscape Meditation
Reduce stress & anxiety, improve focus, 每天进行正念冥想,睡得更好, breathing exercises, music, and sounds.


Headspace app icon

Headspace: Meditation techniques
Download from: App Store | Google Play 


Medication Management

Dosecast app icon

Dosecast帮助你记住吃药, vitamins, or birth control pills on time, every time.
Download from: App Store 


Mental Health

Headspace app icon

Headspace: Meditation techniques
Download from: App Store | Google Play 


Sanvello app icon

Sanvello - Anxiety, stress, & depression relief based on CBT & Mindfulness
Sanvello应用程序提供心理学家设计的工具来解决压力, anxiety, and depression in your life. 建议基于认知行为疗法、冥想、放松和情绪追踪.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Happify app icon

Happify: for Stress & Worry
Happify包括由研究积极心理学中循证干预的专家开发的工具, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy. 这些活动和游戏可以帮助你克服消极的想法、压力和生活中的挑战.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Insight Timer app icon

Insight Timer
Insight Timer的功能可以帮助平静头脑,减少焦虑,管理压力,深度睡眠. 它包括成千上万的冥想指导和正念专家的演讲,以及世界知名艺术家的音乐曲目.
Download from: App Store | Google Play



Lost it! app icon

Lose it!
Lose It! 是否有一个有效的工具可以帮助你在减肥/管理过程中跟踪你的食物和营养摄入量.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


FatSecret app icon

Diet & Weight Loss Tracker. 最容易使用的卡路里计数器和最有效的减肥和节食应用程序在市场上.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Fooducate app icon

Nutrition & Diet Tracker. 帮助人们吃得更健康,减肥,改善健康.
Download from: App Store 



ChatterBaby™ app icon

ChatterBaby™ (UCLA Health)
ChatterBaby™将您宝宝的声音与我们数据库中的声音进行比较, 预测宝宝是否哭以及为什么哭.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Child Health Tracker app icon

Child Health Tracker
儿童健康追踪器让父母按需访问他们孩子的健康信息, needs, and health care providers.
Download from: App Store


KidsDoc app icon

Download from: App Store | Google Play


Pediatric On Call app icon

Pediatric On Call
儿科在线电话提供儿科健康信息,包括但不限于:疾病和条件, poision center, medical calculators, vaccination information.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Smoking Cessation

Livestrong MyQuit Coach app icon

Livestrong的“我的戒烟教练”为戒烟提供必要的支持. 使用者通过一个个性化的戒烟计划来戒烟.
Download from: App Store


QuitGuide app icon

使用戒烟指南来追踪你对香烟的渴望和相关的情绪, 监控你朝着无烟里程碑的进展.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


UCLA Health (general)

myUCLAhealth myChart app icon

Whether you're at work, on the road or at home, 现在,您可以主动管理您的约会, communicate securely with your care team, view lab results, and much more.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


myUCLAhealth Bedside app icon

myUCLAhealth Bedside
A patient-facing, 基于平板电脑的应用程序,为患者提供信息和工具,帮助他们更直接地参与自己的护理计划.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


UCLA Health app icon

UCLA Health
您现在可以通过手机访问皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心! Search for providers, find locations, 与你的医生安排预约(对于支持在线预约安排的医生)等等.
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Department of Neurosurgery app icon

UCLA Department of Neurosurgery
Download from: App Store | Google Play


Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) app icon

HG Care
Download from: App Store 


UCLA Heart Failure Risk Score app icon

UCLA Heart Failure Risk Score
该应用程序估计慢性心力衰竭患者的生存概率. 这个应用程序是为照顾慢性心力衰竭患者的医生使用的.
Download from: App Store


UCLA Walks app icon

UCLA Walks
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校步行应用程序有助于进一步推动皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校在皇冠hga020电脑版促进健康和保健的使命, 并补充了皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康和健康校园项目.
Download from: App Store




Fitbit app icon

App for all products
Download from: App Store | Google Play

Watch products
Download from: fitbit.com


Withings - Health Mate

Withings app icon

App for all products
Download from: App Store | Google Play

Watch products
Download from: withings.com

Download from: withings.com

Blood Pressure Monitor
Download from: withings.com

Disclaimer: 本电子会议中提供的信息仅供参考,不打算替代医疗护理或医疗诊断. 我明白我不应该依赖这些材料或信息作为治疗的基础. 我明白如果我需要治疗,我会咨询我的医生. 如果有紧急医疗需要,我会去急诊室或急救中心寻求治疗. 

列出的一些应用程序是没有创建的第三方消费者健康应用程序, operated or overseen by UCLA Health. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心不认可任何这些消费者应用程序,也不负责确保应用程序上的信息准确或有益. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心不对任何间接, direct, incidental, special, 或者你可能会因为使用这些应用程序而遭受相应的损害. 您使用这些应用程序是您自己的选择,UCLA对您使用这些应用程序不承担任何责任. 如果您有任何问题,请联系U Bar团队 [email protected].

Last revision: June 2021